Notes- Volume


b is for bredth, or width of the cuboid. l is for length, and h is for height
You already know that the volume of a cuboid is length by its width by its height (l × w × h).
The area of the shaded end of the cuboid (the cross section) is w × h, so you can also say that the volume of a cuboid is:
area of cross section × length

Different types of prism

This formula works for all prisms:
3 prisms. 1 is a cylinder, 2 is a triangle based prism and 3 is an L shape prism
  1. volume of a cylinder = area of circle × length
  2. volume of triangular prism = area of triangle × length
  3. volume of 'L'-shaped prism = area of 'L'-shape × length  

    Dimensional analysis

    image: sphere
    The volume of a sphere is
    The surface area of a sphere is:
    How do we check that 4/3πr3 is the formula for a volume of a shape, or that 2πr(r + L) represents a surface area? We use dimensional analysis.

    Dimensions of length

    In all of these formulae the letters r (radius) and L (slant height) represent lengths. We say they have 'the dimension of length'.
    The numbers are not lengths - they're just numbers. So they are called dimensionless, and we can ignore them when doing dimensional analysis (including π, which is just a number too, = 3.141...).

    How it works

    Here are the rules to remember for working out whether a formula is for a length, area or volume:
  4. A formula with lengths occuring on their own is for a length.
  5. A formula with lengths multiplied in pairs (for example, r 2) is for an area.
  6. A formula with lengths cubed (for example, r3) will be for a volume.
Example 1: a volume
Let's look at the formula for the volume of a sphere.
If we remove all the numbers, the formula 4/3πr3 becomes just r3
r3 is length × length × length
So 4/3πr3 represents a volume.
Example 2: an area
Now let's look at 2πr(r + l).
By removing all the numbers from 2πr(r + l), we get just
r(r + l)
Which can be multiplied out to r2 + rl
As r2 and rl are both 'length x length' the formula represents an area. This makes sense as we know the formula is for the surface area of a cylinder.
image: cylinder
After all the numbers have been removed in a formula, you may be left with a combination of length, area and volumes. Here are the rules for simplifying these:
  • length plus minus length = length
  • area plus minus area = area
  • volume plus minus volume = volume
  • length × length = area
  • length × area = volume

  • area ÷ length = length

  • volume ÷ area = length

  • volume ÷ length = area


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